관리 메뉴


ICF 7월 월례 세미나: 자기인식을 깨우는 효과성 코칭 전략 본문

2. 효과성코칭연구/효과성코칭 활용

ICF 7월 월례 세미나: 자기인식을 깨우는 효과성 코칭 전략

생각파트너 이석재 2019. 6. 18. 08:37

*세미나 장소 변경 안내*

다음 달 7월8일(월) 오후 7:00~9:00에 있을 ICF 코리아챕터 7월 월례세미나 장소가 ‘한국코치협회 대강의장’으로 변경되었습니다. 강의장 주소는 아래의 안내문을 참고바랍니다. 감사합니다.

*회원이 아닌 분도 참석하실 수 있습니다.*



Lecture Topic: Effectiveness Coaching Strategy for Creating Awareness


This monthly lecture was designed to help the coach to deeply explore and develop their skills of Creating Awareness which is one of the 11 core coaching competencies and plausibly the backbone of provoking thoughts in coaching. Dr. Lee analyzed the contents of the coaching journals collected for 17 years and repeatedly found the seven change needs of coaching clients. And he also discovered the strategy to be more self-aware in discovering strengths, expanding perspectives, deepening insights, and accepting the self. Based on his unique Effectiveness Coaching Model, Sukjae will introduce his findings and insights on the crucial role of Creating Awareness in getting the clients to hold the coaching objectives and direct them to achieve their desired goals in their various life settings. In the Korea Chapter meeting in August he will dive deep into the learning objectives as shown below.


Learning Objectives from this lecture include;

- Understand the key concept of ‘Creating Awareness’

- Why Creating Awareness is important in the whole coaching process

- Five awareness bases that lead the clients to hold their accountability for the progress

- Effectiveness Coaching strategy to work with the competency of ‘Creating Awareness’

- Explore five powerful coaching questions helpful to examine the relationship between awareness and change needs of the clients


Core Competencies from this lecture mostly include;

- Creating Awareness

- Powerful questions

- Planning and goal setting

- Managing Progress and Accountability




생각 파트너 http://thinkingpartner.co.kr