3. 코칭심리연구/코칭심리 탐구

코칭대상자의 자격: 변화의지

생각파트너 이석재 2018. 10. 14. 19:29

Marshall Goldsmith는 자신의 "Pay for Results" 임원코칭 프로세스를 소개하면서, 코칭 대상자로서의 자격을 강조하였다. 그는 나름의 평가 기준을 적용하여 코칭 고객을 선정한다. Goldsmith 코치의 주장이 시사하는 바는 무엇인가?

"We do not work with leaders who are not really motivated to change. Have you ever tried to change the behavior of a successful adult that had no interest in changing? How much luck did you have? Probably none! We only work with executives who are willing to make a sincere effort to change and who believe that this change will help them become better leaders. Our most successful coaching clients are executives who are committed to being great role models for leadership development and for living their company’s values.



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